Talk Toolbox - The children discussed the question, 'Do we really need rules?'
Talk Toolbox - The children discussed the question, 'Do we really need rules?'
Talk Toolbox - The children discussed the question, 'Do we really need rules?'
Year 3 were asked the question 'Should children be given more freedom?' This video shows the children either agreeing (the left) disagreeing (the right) or putting themselves in the middle.
Year 3 were asked the question 'Should children be given more freedom?'
Year 3 were asked the question 'Should children be given more freedom?'
We created a song to fit the story of the Chinese New Year and then decorated some masks for our performance!
Elm Class wrote their own chorus to 'Writing's On The Wall' by Sam Smith. Their chorus told a story to fit with the video 'Soar'.